2003 Films Reviewed

Is this the seven-year itch? Were these the seven lean years, or the seven fat? Why is Lust one of the seven deadly sins? Who are the other six samurai, and when do we start to fight crime?

These questions - and more! - will not be answered in this year's exciting edition of "Theo's Century of Movies" (Est. 1996). Instead, here are the 2003 Films Ranked by Rating. (But what do the ratings mean? This is what they mean.) Seven is the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be seven...

(V) = film seen only on video

(TIFF) = film seen (or first seen) at the 2002 or 2003 Toronto Film Festival

(ThIFF) = film seen (or first seen) at the 2002 or 2003 Thessaloniki Film Festival

Title (Rating)